That dreams can tell you about your health and well-being?
You can not believe that fish dream to become pregnant, and raccoons - in money, but in the fact that dreams are talking about the state of health, to believe it is necessary. No specific stories and pictures of dreams, and the types of dreams, according to doctors, can point to an area where your health is "lame." Moreover, dreams may start to "sound the alarm" for months or even years before you notice the obvious signs of disease.
It is known that many of us see of 4-6 dreams per night, but remember we are not more than 2-3 per week. After all, remember you can sleep only when you wake up in the most interesting place, and otherwise forgotten dream.
Women remember dreams more often than men, because sleep more responsive and not so deep.
We do not have dreams all the time, and only during REM sleep - at this time we wake up easily, and even the eyes of the eyelids can move. Such periods are about 4 times a night.
So, what your dreams say about your health?
Acceptance of beta-blockers, heart disease, migraine, insomnia.
Beta-blockers may be prescribed by a physician, these medications help dilate blood vessels, but experts believe that they can also change the balance of certain brain chemicals, and it is from this, and we are seeing an alarming nightmares.
A study conducted in the Netherlands found that people suffering from nightmares with cardiovascular disease - in fact they often have trouble breathing, so the brain does not have enough oxygen, and the dreams are terrible. Those who suffer from migraines also not simple, they tend to have dreams "angry and aggressive."
MANY DREAMS, more than usual
Are you cold or you are too hot to sleep, hormonal reasons, the time after long-term use of antidepressants.
When you are hot or cold, you are a light sleeper, wake up frequently and, therefore, memorize their dreams.
The ideal temperature for the bedroom - 18 degrees. For the same reason, a few days a month, women are sleeping restlessly and remember everything that dream. Antidepressants makes sleep hard, so that "getting down" with them, we are starting to see a lot of dreams, because not sleep soundly.
Dreams that wake you up
You ate a lot of fat, you are overweight, stress or depression.
Explain: Greasy food settles permanently in the stomach, it causes heartburn. And you wake up in the middle of the night, remembering his dream.
Heartburn often harassed and people who are overweight.
Depression, anxiety, too, makes us wake up at night with a heartbeat.
Whimsical Dreams
Alcohol, infections
- By the morning of the effects of alcohol takes place, and we usually have dreams where we can all heroes and. This state is also characterized by drowsiness - poluyav - says Dr. Patrick McNamara, a neuroscientist at Boston Medical University.
Infection or disease increases the time the "slow" sleep when we do not see dreams, because it is during the slow, deep sleep, we are recovering. On REM sleep there is little time, and the visions are messy and strange.
Erotic Dreams
You - a creative person
- Many of my clients said that beginning to see erotic dreams when discovered for themselves a new hobby or addicted to some kind of creative activity.
By the way, the older we get, the more we have dreams erotic content.
And what dreams you dream?
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