Monday, 11 November 2013

Five Basic Rules on How to Avoid a Stroke

"I like burning in the back of his head! - Uses a frightened colleague. - This is not a harbinger of a stroke? '. "After the stress at work left arm goes numb - suddenly have a fit?" - Worried friend. They, and many others fear "strike" is not even turned 40 a minute, but the stroke is known to be much younger. To deliver us from groundless fears (extra hassle, too, destroying the brain!) And at the same time warn: who is "on the brink" and must take urgent preventive measures, doctors, neurologists have developed a valuable test. We advise you to go through it, and also to persuade their loved ones.

Test yourself
1. Sometimes you have to for hours on end:
- Numbness of half of the face;
- Numbness of limb (s);
- A sharp sudden headache;
- Severe weakness, unsteady gait;
- Blackouts.

2. Do you have elevated blood pressure (higher than 140/90 mm Hg. Cent.).

3. Do you suffer from atrial fibrillation.

4. Do you have any excess weight (divide your weight in kilograms by height in meters squared - the figure should get no more than 25).

5. Do you smoke.

6. Do you lead a sedentary lifestyle.

7. Is abusing alcohol.

If you answered "yes" to two or more of these questions, then you need to ask for advice and further investigation.
What do those who are at risk

1. Train yourself to walk every day for at least 30 minutes. Move as quick step - so far as the heart and breathing. This will help to train and keep in shape vessels.

2. Reduce the amount of salt to 2 - 4 g per day.

3. Quit smoking.

4. Keep track of your weight - that body mass index did not exceed 25 (see "Test Yourself").

5. Periodically measure your blood pressure if it is elevated for 7 days in a row - see a doctor as soon as possible.

! Also, you should definitely check the level of glucose in the blood (normal, <5.5 mmol / l) and total cholesterol (normal <5 mmol / l).
! Men over 40 years and women over 45 need to do an ultrasound of the neck vessels. If changes are detected, the next survey is done after 5 years if there is a deviation - then once a year.

Stay in touch

Signs that there was a "blow"

1. Ask the person to smile: he could not, or would smile curve.

2. Ask to lift and hold the straightened arms, one will lag behind the other or both hands will be fixed.

3. Ask to move the eyes (blink, look left-right): eyeballs will move asymmetrically.

4. Ask stick his tongue: he will be warped.

Important: The main symptoms of stroke

- Sudden disturbance of sensation or weakness, especially on one side of the body,

- Suddenly emerged asymmetry of the face,

- The sudden blurred vision in one or both eyes, a sense of double vision,

- Sudden severe headache and (or) dizziness,

- The coordination of movements, balance problems.

Keep in mind that the treatment was more or less effective, it must begin no later than 24 hours after a stroke, the lowest risk of death and disability - unless measures are taken for 3 - 6 hours after the "strike" (see text).

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